I found a gory treat of Stuffed Intestine at 365 Halloween. Makes me a little woozy, but it looks damn cool.
I *ahem*... also bought myself a cape... I've wanted one since I was a kid. Crimson wasn't the best way to go. Shoulda gotten black. Crimson, I think now, is too flashy. Black is traditional and classy, whereas red, for me, evokes images of tv magicians. I'm still pretty ecstatic about it. Also got 3 masks. Devil, Frankenstein's monster and Dracula. I'll make scans of my horror books soon. One with cover art by Edward Gorey! More on him tomorrow...
Great stuff. I'm enjoying your countdown, and will add a link at my own Halloween countdown.
Thank you! I knew I recognized your name. I've been to your place. Never remember how to find it though. You countdown is wonderful. Vintage Halloween ephemera is absolute gold. Btw, I have Black Sunday screencaps at my Flickr account. I'll definitely put up a link to your countdown. That way I won't lose it again.
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